Our Company

Arthur Carpenter is an ADI of 23 years standing,Fleet and a GRADE "A" Instructor, with over ten years in ORDIT training 

Helping people In NORTH WALES to achieve their goals, Improving their employ ability and their lives.

For many young drivers,passing their driving test is a rite of passage,their first move to independence.

For older drivers and full license holders, helping them to have the confidence to know they are still able to drive,and brush up on old skills.

Working closely with Motability to supply training on specialist adapted vehicles,and giving these drivers their independence in their lives



Many Years Of Driving Tuition


Our Instructors know how to interact with students and how to teach different personalities and learning styles.


Your Driving Instructor is more than ready to listen to your driving concerns, and come up with a personalized driving lesson that works for you!


We never allow anyone else in the car except for the Instructor and the Student.

(DVSA Examiner)



 Fantastic experience Perfect Instructor